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The solemn opening ceremony of the charity fair "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" 2023-2024 took place

The solemn opening ceremony of the charity fair "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" 2023-2024 took place

The opening of the "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" 2023-2024 charity fair took place on the Fountain Square.

Since 2013, the "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" charity fair held by the "Nargis" Fund every year on New Year's Eve gives hope to families who apply to the Fund from different corners of Azerbaijan. As every year, the financial support of this year's fair sponsors and all the funds collected from the rent of the houses built at the fair are used to cover the treatment and operation costs of children suffering from various diseases. Every year, young residents of boarding schools, orphanages, shelters, and various social service institutions are special guests of the fair. Detailed information about the financial report and results of each fair is shared on the Fund's official website and social network accounts.

On the occasion of the opening of the fair, a grand jubilee concert was organized on the territory of the Fountain Square. Aygun Kazimova, Brilliant Dadasheva, Sevda Alekbarzade, Lala Mammadova, Elnur Mammadov, Elton, Narmin Karimbeyova, Rasul Efendiyev, Aisel and other stars took part in the concert program organized by "Ozel Media" and performed their favorite pieces for all their guests.

The "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" charity fair, also known as the "Winter Tale of Baku" among the population, will operate every day from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. until January 15, 2024.

The official partners of the event are Baku City Executive Authority, "Azerishiq" OJSC, Baku Improvement Service, Azerbaijan State Advertising Agency, "Azerbaijan Airlines" CJSC, PASHA Holding Security Service, "HazirJavab" and "Baku Strafor Kesim" LLC. The "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" charity fair is held with irreplaceable support of sponsors "PASHA Holding", "Azercell", "Coca-Cola", "R GROUP HOLDING", "Khirta-Khirt", "TESS", "Absheron Olive Gardens", "Abrau Junior" ", "Atabey Chig Kofte", "Corndog", "Vienna Chocolate House", "Lays", "Haribo", "Ozmo", "Nescafe", "BirBank", "Mr. Kumpir", "Chocolatier".



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