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The next meeting was held within the project "Fake Off in Social Media: developing media skills"

The next meeting was held within the project "Fake Off in Social Media: developing media skills"

With the financial support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Public Union for Support of Innovative Initiatives the next meeting of the project "Fake Off in Social Media: Developing Media Skills" was held with the participation of social media experts, bloggers, activists and social activists.

Abbas Panahov, co-founder of the Public Union for Support of Innovative Initiatives, who opened the event with a speech, gave brief information about the project to the participants, focusing on security issues in the fight against fake news on social media resources, and about the next training.

Then Elvin Balajanov, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Cybersecurity Organizations of Azerbaijan, who acted as a trainer, conducted extensive training on cyber security in combating fake news, misinformation, and disinformation.

It should be noted that the training will last 3 days, and at the end of the project, 20 active participants will receive certificates by completing the online course of the University of Michigan, USA, in cooperation with the educational portal.

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