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Social skills of young people are being improved

Social skills of young people are being improved

Trainings on "Improving social skills of youth in rural areas" were organized in Ismayilli and Gabala regions in order to eliminate the problems faced by young people living in villages between the ages of 15-25 in their personal and professional lives, and to increase their knowledge and skills in social, emotional and intellectual issues.

Within the framework of 4-day trainings, 2 days in each region, trainings, games, group work, energizers and other practical sessions on "Stress management", "Stress causes and its elimination", "Effective communication", "Team building", "Decision-making", "Conflict resolution", "Relationship management" were held. Young people who participated in the trainings were awarded with a certificate.

It should be noted that the project was the winner of the grant competition announced by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is implemented by the initiative of the Public Union for Protection of National and Moral Values "Toward Clarity" and the organizational support of the Youth Development and Career Center.

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