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"SAY" project returns: camp will be implemented in Agjabadi

"SAY" project returns: camp will be implemented in Agjabadi

The "SAY: Our Heritage" camp will be held within the framework of the "SAY - Support of Azerbaijani Youth" project organized by the "IRELI" Public Union, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Youth Fund.

Within the framework of the camp to be held in Agjabedi district, various training sessions, group work, and sports activities will be organized in order to develop communicative and proactive qualities, guide civil society in the right direction, and formulate the principles of tolerance, as well as to achieve the development of the youth network in general. In order to ensure the continuity of the project, participating youth will form a network and be closely involved in the general activities of the association, as well as become a part of local and international projects.

The main goal of the "SAY: Our Heritage" camp, which will last three days, is to instill in the young generations the visionary policy of Heydar Aliyev, national leader who worked for the development and progress of Azerbaijan, and the visionary policy of President Ilham Aliyev.

It should be noted that the "SAY - Support of Azerbaijani Youth" project is one of the programmatic projects of the "IRELI" Public Union, which started in 2014. More than 750 young people have been covered by eight camps within the project so far.

Enterprising and responsible young people between the ages of 18-29 who want to participate in the "SAY: Our Heritage" camp can register through the following link:

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