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"Promotion of self-employment" project has been launched

"Promotion of self-employment" project has been launched

"Promotion of Self-Employment Activity" project, financed by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and implemented by the Support to Innovative Development PU, has been launched.

The first event of the project was organized for women who want to establish self-employment activity in Guba region.

The event was opened by the chairman of the organization and project manager, Hummet Aliyev, who informed participants about donor and goals of the project. He noted that the main goal of the project is to increase the level of awareness of women who want to establish self-employment activities in Guba, Gusar and Siyazan regions or who have no knowledge in this field.

Juma Nabiyev, Head of the Department for Work with Unemployed Persons of Guba-Khachmaz Regional Employment Branch of the State Employment Agency and other employees also took part in the event. The work carried out by the State Employment Agency on self-employment activities was brought to the attention of the ladies.

Rafet Shiraliyev, trainer of the project, trained the ladies on topics such as establishing self-employment, its advantages, entrepreneurship, micro and small business management, state support programs and ways to benefit from them.

The training covered one full day. During the training, women's questions were answered and relevant discussions were held. All participating ladies were presented with a certificate at the end.



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