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Last year, "Araz" supermarket chain employed about four thousand women

Last year, "Araz" supermarket chain employed about four thousand women

"Araz" supermarket chain is one of the companies that supports women's employment and actively participates in events in this field. In addition to employment, women are provided with opportunities for gaining experience and career development. As a result, about 4,000 women were employed in "Araz" last year. Currently, 51% of the employees at "Araz" are women. Their average age is 35.

"Araz" not only provides professional personnel, but also women who have just started working and have no work experience. For this purpose, trainings and improvement programs are regularly organized to increase the knowledge and skills of women who have started working in the company. In 2023, about 500 female employees participated in the training organized by "Araz". At the same time, individual development plans are prepared and implemented in order to improve their personal development and professional indicators. As a result of this, women who start working from small positions gain the necessary knowledge and skills in the relevant fields and achieve career advancement. At present, about 200 women are represented in "Araz" as a team of specialists. 14.4% of those working in managerial positions are women.

The measures and initiatives implemented by the company in the field of women's employment are also highly valued by the relevant state institutions. Thus, in 2023, "Araz", a social partner of the State Employment Agency (DMA) subordinated to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, was awarded the main prize in the nomination "The most active private social partner supporting the provision of women's employment".



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