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IDEA Public Union organized another cleaning action with the support of PASHA Group

IDEA Public Union organized another cleaning action with the support of PASHA Group

On October 10, a coastal cleaning action was held in Bilgah with the organization of IDEA Public Union and the support of PASHA Group. The action organized within the framework of the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" took place on the public beach area.

In addition to IDEA volunteers, more than 170 employees of companies managed by "PASHA Holding" and "PASHA Management Company", as well as more than 250 people, including students of "LANDAU School" participated in the cleaning action. During the action, about 2 tons of waste collected by the participants, equipped with necessary sanitary equipment, were handed over to the Balakhani solid household waste sorting plant of "Tamiz Shahar" OJSC.

The main goal of the campaign held under the slogan "Keep the coasts clean!" is to promote the cleanliness of the seashore, to prevent littering of coastal areas with household waste, and to involve people in efforts aimed at protecting the coastal environment. In order to protect the unique biodiversity of the Caspian Sea and other water bodies of the Caucasus region, IDEA takes regular measures to clean up and restore polluted coastal areas.

It should be noted that IDEA Public Union regularly organizes cleaning actions and invites companies, organizations and institutions to cooperate in these actions. You can apply to the IDEA Public Union regarding the joint organization of cleaning actions and make your contribution to environmental protection. Please send your requests to IDEA's hotline "1113" or email

IDEA Public Union once again calls everyone to unite and act for the sake of solving the many problems faced by our planet, for the welfare of the present and future generations, and to be sensitive to the blessings that nature has given us.



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