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"Fairytales Know No Barriers" project from Shokki Mokki

"Fairytales Know No Barriers" project from Shokki Mokki

With the support of "Shokki Mokki" brand, a puppet theater event called "Fairytales Know No Barriers" was held for speech-impaired children.

The Mobile Puppet Theater project, presented under the leadership of Aytac Gambarova, was organized in the Republic special boarding school number 3.

The event ended with an inclusive performance, a magician's show, a fun show program and finally, distribution of gifts. About 100 children participated in the event, which was held on the occasion of the International Day of Disabled People and the upcoming New Year.

It should be noted that "Shokki Mokki" regularly implements various social projects with special sensitivity to the history, culture and traditions of our country. The mentioned brand has been implementing "My School", one of the largest Corporate Social Responsibility projects in Azerbaijan, for a year and supports preschool education of socially sensitive children from different regions of our country.



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