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Director on sponsorship projects of ADA University Foundation: Gender cooperation is an indicator of development – statement

Director on sponsorship projects of ADA University Foundation: Gender cooperation is an indicator of development – statement

Firuza Ismayil Aliyeva, whom we saw on the screen with the TV project "Persona" some time ago, started the "TalkNex" project. Within the framework of the project, successful figures who traditionally play the role of "role models" or "guides" for the society come together and educate young people, inform them about new trends in the labor market, especially young girls to further their roles in society through science, education, and skills.

The focus of the project this time is quite different from the previous one: to promote "cross-gender cooperation" in the context of "gender equality".

In his statement Firuza Ismayil Aliyeva, the executive director of sponsorship projects of ADA University Foundation, explained the concept of "cross-gender cooperation" promoted by the project against the background of society's approach to gender and stereotypes: "In developed societies, there is a need for youth activity. However, contribution of young girls to the development of society, social activity and social status of girls is the main indicator of development of society. The "TalkNex" project stems from the issue I mentioned: to strengthen the image of modern Azerbaijani girls, to ensure their development by telling them about their rights and duties, and as a result, to train professional women who are successfully represented in various spheres of society.

We are not alone on this path. Thus, MPs Samad Seyidov, Nigar Arpadarai, ⁠Sevinc Fataliyeva, as well as ⁠Ambassador of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld, Argentina's Ambassador to Azerbaijan ⁠Mariangeles Bellushii, member of the Great Britain House of Lords ⁠Baroness Helena Kennedy KC support the project. Also, well-known public figures, People's Artist Murad Dadashov, Honored Artist Bahram Bagyrzade also provided their support."



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