Azerbaijan's Baku hosts inaugural International Youth Forum
In Baku, the International Youth Forum "Supporting environmental policy through young leaders" has opened its plenary session.
The forum is playing host to 24 young leaders from 18 countries, along with over 60 leaders of youth organizations from Azerbaijan, representatives of government agencies, experts, and other guests.
Environmental issues, climate change, fighting it, and expanding eco-volunteering will be discussed in panel discussions with their Azerbaijani colleagues by active youth leaders, youth NGOs' heads, specialists, and experts from France, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Türkiye, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakhstan.
The discussions will also include delving into opportunities for cooperation, swapping experiences, and building connections to push the green economy and environmental participation, garnering international public support for COP29, and spreading the word about Azerbaijan on a global scale.
In addition, there will be meetings with officials from government institutions, NGOs, and coalitions. At these meetings, calls for continued active participation in these areas will be talked over.
To note, the forum is supported by the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, the "Azerbaijan Democratic Student Youth Organization" public association, and the National Council of Youth Organizations.
The forum will keep going until September 13.
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