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An international conference on "Youth Water Innovation Forum-2024" was held with the support of Yelo Bank

An international conference on "Youth Water Innovation Forum-2024" was held with the support of Yelo Bank

Within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year" and in order to support the COP29 international event to be held in Azerbaijan, Yelo Bank has taken an initiative step. "Youth Water Innovation Forum-2024" event was held at the Bank's Head Office with the participation of more than 200 young people. The event was held with the joint support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Youth Foundation, "Aqualink" LLC and the organization of the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations' Union.

At the official opening ceremony of the forum, Aygun Maharramova-Kazimova, manager of Yelo Bank's HR and Personnel Planning department, welcomed the participants and informed about the Bank and career opportunities for students and young people. She also emphasized that such forums dedicated to today's most relevant topics play an important role in educating young people. Official representatives of the supporters also spoke at the forum. After the official part of the event was concluded, performance of students of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory was heard. The second part of the forum continued with panel meetings covering three different and current topics.

The main purpose of holding the forum is to promote the study of the field of water management by young people, modern efficient solutions in drinking and wastewater technologies. It should be noted that Yelo Bank is an active supporter of education in accordance with its corporate social responsibility strategy. The bank will continue its initiatives aimed at the bright future of our youth and active cooperation with student organizations.



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